Off Campus Access to Library Electronic Resources

Access to the Library's subscribed databases and e-journals is available to Trinity College students and staff only by authenticating here with their College username and password.


For more information about this service, see the Off Campus Access page.

If you experience any difficulties logging in to this service, please contact IT Service Desk.

Questions relating to electronic resource subscriptions should be directed to the Library directly.

Remember: Keep your password secure. Disclosing your password to others can give them access
to your personal resources including your email, and online student record. Please do not include your password in any correspondance with the Library.

Access to the Trinity College Data network and associated IT resources is granted only to authorised persons for the purpose of approved College activities. Activities may be monitored for administrative and security purposes. Use of the College network and resources implies consent to such monitoring and acceptance of all published College policies including the "IT and Network Code of Conduct" and "The College IT Security Policy".